Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Follow up from last post.

As a follow up to my last post, here is a really inspiring video of where local family services, (in this case King County in Seattle) really does wonderful things for people, thereby affecting the entire community. The need for organizations like this is so much greater than what is currently available.   

Here's a news story on a homeless family in Lancaster, Ca.    The story is from 2007, but it gives an example of a homeless family and their struggles.  Their story is sad yet there is gentleness and hopefulness in them.  For me it puts meaningless daily frustrations into perspective.  I am reminded to not sweat the small stuff and to be thankful for what I have.  ...Also to give extra hugs to my children and pray that they will always be safe and warm. 
If you are interested in helping out homeless families, children, people in your community, check out your local family services organizations.   (I found a great one  called Compass, here in the Bay Area that I will be contacting.) 

1 comment:

  1. This is very motivating to me as I see Seattle from where I live in Port Orchard, WA. I lived in Seattle as a UW Student, and was well aware of all the homelessness in the city. I am glad to know that Family Services was there to help I want to do my part. Thank you for posting this and sharing.
